So in 2010, I became a Dad. Once I found out my wife and I were having a boy, I immediately thought of how cool I could make his room. I probably should have read up on how to change diapers and warm up bottles, but I needed to stay in my wheelhouse.

This project started as an idea to put a real simple “grass” colored area on the wall to represent a football field, and it morphed into something way bigger. I wound up creating a baseball scene on one wall by framing old-timey baseball wallpaper in window siding and creating a full football field on the other wall, complete with personalized endzones and custom initials as the midfield emblem (go ‘9ers!). The field lines and numbers were vinyl stickers applied after a nightmarish measuring experience.

Needless to say, Baxter loved it. At least, I think he did based on me equating his spitting up to loving things. Even cooler, we moved houses less than a year after completion of this project. That made me spit up. But I’m not bitter, even though at our new house, Baxter’s room looks like a prison cell.